Our Story


If you judge a book by its cover, you might miss out on an amazing story

Thats exactly how I feel about the moment we walked onto our farm.
If we had judged it by the way it looked back then we wouldn’t be where we are now. I still remember walking down the driveway for the very first time, we looked around at the overgrown property with six ovens and washing machines lined up out the front. The yard was covered in odds and ends and the sheds were full of rusty old farm equipment and broken furniture.

We both looked at each other and knew that this was our forever home.


From the moment we got our keys we moved in. We spent everyday for the first 3 months clearing rubbish and cleaning up the farm. We became friends with the skip guy we hired that many! It was a massive job! I had a full season of weddings and events that year and spent most days in the sun room designing with flowers so Rob took care of the garden we had at the time.

During our first summer Rob grew six dahlia plants that I had brought from our local hardware store. I would arrive home to Rob proudly watering and pruning his dahlia plants and hear about the new leaf that grew or how beautiful the colour of a new bloom was. To be honest, I was so busy I didn’t have time to appreciate those six plants but saw how much enjoyment it gave Rob to grow and care for them.

One evening while Rob was watering we started talking about the idea of growing our own flowers. “Imagine”. Imagine been able to grow our own flowers. To work together on our farm and learn about cut flower farming.

We run The Queens Quarters, a floral design studio and the thought of being able to walk through the gardens harvesting blooms to create with for wedding and event work is a florists dream!

Being able to offer our community locally grown flowers and hand picked bouquets fresh from the farm had been unthought of until that moment. The idea of this even being a possibility lit a fire inside of us that I hope never goes out. Rob and I have always followed our dreams and ideas and both put 150% into everything we do, so on that night we decided that this was our new plan.

With that decision and absolutely no idea how to run a flower farm we threw ourselves into this new adventure, prepared to make mistakes and learn along the way and build our dream boutique flower farm.

Uncle lucky’s greenhouse

Our Uncle Lucky has been a vegetable farmer for 40 years and gifted us our very first greenhouse. He spent weekends with Rob teaching him how to put posts in the ground and secure the frames together. This greenhouse allowed us the opportunity to trial growing dahlias and to learn about them. We uncovered our true passion for growing flowers that year and started making plans for the following season to expand our cut flower farm.


The cutting garden, our 2020 lock down project

Summer ended and our wedding season came to a halt as the world faced new challenges.
Rob and I decided to adapt and focus on what we could do. I designed a garden in my note book and named it “The Cutting Garden”.

I had an idea of a tiered garden that could utilise the hill in the corner of our property and be filled with raised beds full of flowers. A happy place for Rob and I to spend our summers in. A garden where visitors and workshop attendees can walk through and feel how we feel when we’re amongst the blooms. We worked on our garden almost every day for 5 months and shared the build on Instagram. It’s been finished with gravel walkways since these photos were taken and is prepared for planting. This project took us all the way through winter into spring….


The dahlia patch

The Dahlia Patch lies at the front of out property, a perfect place for locals to watch as the flowers come to life. With all the support and encouragement we received during our first growing season, we quickly realised that what we were building was becoming more than a hobby and that we had already outgrown our greenhouse.

The Dahlia Patch became home to 500 dahlias and plenty of long days in the garden. It was the most enjoyable, rewarding experience Rob and I have ever had.

The ranunculus field

In the same year, we transformed our back field into rows for growing ranunculus and planted 4,000 of them. Our first year was a success, and as soon as they bloomed, we knew ranunculus would be a permanent addition to our farm! I love designing garden bouquets with these beautiful ruffled blooms and now we are now able to share our corms annually with our community.

Today we grow over 2000 dahlias and around 8000 ranunculus each year. We operate our flower farm and floral studio with our incredible team who share the same passions for flowers and community as we do.

We love connecting with our community who have supported us from day one and being able to share a part of our farm with you. We have built many amazing friendships though this journey and we hope we can inspire you to chase your own dreams or spend a little more time in your garden.

Little Lyndoch flower farm